Thursday, May 7, 2009

Obama Administration Stealing Land From Private Citizens

The federal government will condemn the additional 500 acres needed to fulfill it's lust for power known as the Flight 93 Memorial. September 11, 2001, was a monumental tragedy, but this only adds to the tragedy. I guarantee you that OBL is laughing what is left of his skinny little butt off when he sees this:;_ylt=Atq20FkgLhd0EhbjjkplY_rZn414

While I am saddened, I cannot say that I am suprized by this. Our current administration is the most socialist/communist regime this country has ever seen.

Is this the CHANGE 53% of you HOPED for? Wake up America, your country is being stolen from you. Just because someone does it with a smile, does not mean they have good intentions.

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